céad míle fáilte roimh
Liosta na hEaglaise Ceiltí
a Thousand welcomes to
the Celtic Church List
This page is dedicated to help you find a Celtic Church in your area.
When people learn of Celtic Christianity, they are intrigued
and want to learn more. Many of them want to find a Church to explore the Celtic faith in.
We developed this site in order to help people find a Celtic church in their area.
Do you know of a Celtic Church that is not on the list? Let us know and we'll list them straight away!
Please note: This list is in no way an intercommunion agreement. Each Church listed has its own denomination / association and Intercommunion agreements. We are only a Celtic Church listing website. .Listing on the Celtic Church List does not mean or imply that we agree with any doctrinal statements of any churches or ministries. some chhurches may be progressive and others conservative.
We may not share each churches ministry practices or philosophy. Celtic churches may not adhere to the exact same doctrinal positions as one another. While we do hold to the basics of our faith and a Celtic outlook on life and ministry. Please check out each churches different practices to see if they are compatible with your belief system according to your understanding of tradition and the Word of God.
if you can't find a church on the churches please visit the organizations page.
If your church or ministry is in the Celtic Christian tradition and would like to be listed,
"If I have any worth, it is to live my life for God." St. Patrick
Please let the churches or ministries know you found them on the Celtic Church List!